E0251: SwitchBot

Dispositivos domóticos interesantes.

E0251: SwitchBot

Jueves domótico centrado en la marca SwitchBot, que ha sacado al mercado dispositivos Bluetooth muy interesantes. Empezaron por un pequeño botón y ya tienen hasta cámaras. Os comento las posibilidades de integración que tenemos en HomeKit.

SwitchBot Official Website - Your Simple Switch to a Smart Home
SwitchBot provides smart home products at affordable prices, including smart curtain, bot, indoor cam, meter, hub mini, etc. Fast delivery worldwide | 30-day money-back guarantee.
GitHub - OpenWonderLabs/homebridge-switchbot: The Homebridge SwitchBot plugin allows you to access your SwitchBot Device(s) from HomeKit. Homebridge.
The Homebridge SwitchBot plugin allows you to access your SwitchBot Device(s) from HomeKit. Homebridge. - GitHub - OpenWonderLabs/homebridge-switchbot: The Homebridge SwitchBot plugin allows you to...
GitHub - OpenWonderLabs/homebridge-switchbot-ble: The @switchbot/homebridge-switchbot-ble is a nodejs module , and also a homebridge plug-in that directly controls SwitchBot products via BLE.
The @switchbot/homebridge-switchbot-ble is a nodejs module , and also a homebridge plug-in that directly controls SwitchBot products via BLE. - GitHub - OpenWonderLabs/homebridge-switchbot-ble: The...