E0608: Aqara Hub E1 y Matter 1.1
Parece que el estándar domótico mejora.

Os cuento mi experiencia con el Hub E1 y os traigo un par de noticias relacionadas con Matter. El estándar sigue mejorando, pero no acaba de despegar del todo.
Aqara Pushes Matter Update for a Second Hub – Homekit News and Reviews
Since December of 2022, Aqara has shown a willingness to push towards a Matter future for much of its lineup, starting with a slightly delayed firmware update to the Aqara M2 hub that made it compatible with Matter, which in turn exposed (some) of the connected child devices to Matter platforms. Thi…

Matter 1.1 release — Enhancements for developers and devices
Today’s release of Matter 1.1 is the result of the collective effort of hundreds of companies and individuals who have gathered as members of the Connectivity Standards Alliance and contributed to the…