E0836: Open Home Foundation y nuevo sensor de movimiento de Aqara
Home Assistant da un pasito más.

La gente de Home Assistant ha creado una nueva fundación para agrupar sus proyectos de código abierto y protegerse de una posible compra en el futuro. Además, os cuento, las novedades que trae el nuevo sensor de movimiento e iluminación P2 de Aqara.
Announcing the Open Home Foundation
We’re launching a new non-profit organization: the Open Home Foundation. We created the Open Home Foundation to fight for the fundamental principles of privacy, choice, and sustainability for smart homes. And every person who lives in one.

The little smart home platform that could
With a new ownership structure, Home Assistant is making its next big move
Open Home Foundation
The Open Home Foundation fights for the principles of privacy, choice, and sustainability for smart homes. And for every
person who lives in one. It does this by supporting the development of open-source projects, and open connectivity and
communication standards.

Aqara Motion and Light Sensor P2 (review) - Homekit News and Reviews
Aqara has finally released its second Matter over Thread device, the Motion and Light Sensor P2. Read our review here!

Aqara P2 Thread Motion and Light Sensor Review
Testing and disassembling the new Aqara P2 Thread Motion and Light Sensor and it’s Matter integration with Home Assistant and Google Home.